Pharmacology General Principles Flashcards: Set 2 (30 questions)

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When drug plasma concentration is higher than tissue concentration, the drug moves:From plasma to tissue
When the drug plasma concentration is less than the tissue concentration, the drug moves:From tissue back to plasma
A lipophilic drug (easily crossing the blood-brain barrier)will also likely be concentrated in this body compartment:Fat
Transmembrane drug movement following filtration into the glomerular filtrate.Ionized are charged drug species will be excreted in the urine; non-ionized, charge, drug fraction is likely reabsorbed in the renal tubules.
Elimination half-life:Time required for the drug concentration to fall by 50%.
Drugs characterized by multicompartment pharmakokinetics and half-life:Likely to exhibit multiple half-lives, as drug associated with each different compartment may have its own elimination half-life.
This drug dosing method is characterized by convenience, low expense and possibly even tolerance of dosing errors:Oral administration
Absorption of acidic drugs in an acidic environment such as the stomach:Absorption is favored
Absorption of a basic drug in an acidic environment such as the stomach:Absorption is not favored because the drug will be charged in the acidic stomach environment.
Venous drainage from the stomach and small intestine is directed to this organ:Liver
A drug extensively metabolized by first-pass hepatic pathways is least likely to be so affected if administered by which methods:Sublingual or buccal. Venous drainage from the mouth and esophagus proceeds via the superior vena cava, not the portal system, and therefore bypasses the liver initially.
This drug route of administration partially bypasses the portal system:Rectal administration, an alternative route of administration in small children or in those patients unable to tolerate oral administration.
Parenteral routes of drug administration include these:Subcutaneous, intramuscular, and intravenous injection.
These "vessel-rich" tissues constitute only about 10% of body mass yet receive about 75% of cardiac output:Endocrine glands, liver, kidney, heart, and brain.
This tissue group consists of "vessel-poor" tissues, such as:Bone, cartilage, and ligament
This tissue group receives only about 6% of cardiac output:Fat
About 20% of cardiac output is associated with this tissue group:Muscle (and skin)
The rate of rise in drug concentration in an organism determined by:Organ perfusion and relative drug solubility in the organ as compared to its blood solubility.
Equilibrium concentration of the drug in organ compared blood depends on this factor,, assuming no drug metabolism in the organ:Relative solubility of the drug in the organ compared to its blood solubility.
Phase I metabolic transformation:Characterized by conversion of the parent drug into a more polar metabolites as a result of oxidation, reduction, or hydrolytic reactions..
Characteristics associated with Phase II-type metabolic biotransformation:Phase II reactions involve association of and endogenous substrate such as glucuronic acid to either the parent drug or a phase I metabolite. The result of this reaction is a more water-soluble metabolite, more readily eliminated in the urine or feces.
The fraction of drug metabolized by the liver:Extraction ratio
If the hepatic extraction ratio is 50%, hepatic clearance of liver blood flow:50%
Hepatic clearance is about equal to hepatic blood flow for this anesthetic agent:Propofol
For drugs that exhibit low hepatic extraction ratios and are slowly cleared by the liver, the rate-llimiting step in this case is:Metabolic capacity of the liver itself.
Term describing drugs with low hepatic extraction ratios:Capacity-dependent clearance
Extraction ratios associated with methadone and alfentanil:10% and 15% respectively
Term describing clearance of methadone or alfentanil:Capacity-dependent drugs
Renal clearance definition:Rate of drug elimination from the body as a result of kidney excretion.
Renal clearance as a function of renal blood flow and renal extraction ratio:Renal clearance = renal blood flow X renal extraction ratio.



(More about pharmacokinetics in general click here)