case continues:

The patient was typed and crossmatched for two units of blood and a 20 cc/kg transfusion of packed red cells was initiated. Platelet count was low normal, protime and PTT (partial thromboplastin time) was high normal. A bladder catheter was placed and 25 cc urine drained.

On arrival to the operating room, the patient was notably less pale, The EKG, blood pressure cuff, pulse oximetry and precordial stethoscope were placed.. Initial vital signs were heart rate 105, blood pressure 120/80, pulse oximetry 99%. An additional 20 cc or urine since the blood transfusion were noted.

The patient was given fentanyl, 1 microgram per kilogram, i.v., three times without change in blood pressure.

What was the significance of the three test doses of fentanyl?